Buying & Selling

50 Ways to Make Your Land a Profitable Commodity

43. Allow tiny houses to rent or buy portions of your land

Tiny houses are everywhere. But the one thing these homeowners are struggling to track down is affordable land where they can put their tiny house. Renting or even selling pieces of your land to these folks is a quick way to make good money. As long as you can come to terms you both agree upon, this might be the most lucrative, simple option on our list, since each house requires such little space and literally no maintenance from you after the agreement or sale has been finalized.

Allow tiny house owners to rent or purchase portions of your land.

44. Look into the opportunity of harnessing wind energy

45. Generate solar energy

46. Sell a portion of your land

47. Plant a vineyard and bottle your own wine

How cool would it be to own your own vineyard? This will take some hard work and investment on the front end, but the result is sure to be amazing. Not only will you have a beautiful landscape for your own viewing pleasure, but once people hear about your vineyard or see pictures, they’ll want to visit. Setting up a small tasting room or vineyard tours could be a long-term goal, and in the short term, provide inviting picnic tables and outdoor space for people to come with their families to purchase and sip on local wine. The type of grapes you can grow will depend on the region of the country you’re in. If you do decide to open up a vineyard, please remember to send us an invite. 

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